One Day Adana/Letterpress
Wednesday 7 September 2022
Standard £120.00
Concession £108.00
This one day course is for the new or aspiring letterpress printer who is looking to set up a simple home studio using the popular Adana platen press.
You will receive instruction in hand typesetting and printing on an Adana, as well as practical points regarding maintenance of the press, workshop management and what to look out for when purchasing equipment.
Tutor: Mick Clayton
At this time we are not able to confirm that this event will go ahead, if you are interested, please join the waiting list or contact us directly and we will be in contact once we can confirm either way.
Ticket is non-refundable, however you are welcome to offer your ticket to another person or reschedule the date of your visit. Please contact [email protected] to change the date/event of your booking at least 7 days prior to the event date.
Due to the constraints of our Grade II listed building, the workshop is not currently accessible to wheelchair users or those with limited mobility.