
A retrospective exhibition of miniature prints by Michelle Griffiths VPRE

Meet The Artist and discussion chaired by Dr Chris Spring
Monday 30 October 7 – 9 pm (pay bar)

Michelle Griffiths studied painting and printmaking in Brighton in the 1970’s. Since then, she has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad including print biennales in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Holland and mini print exhibitions in Spain, USA, Canada and UK. Her work is included in a number of public collections including the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Arts Council England, Varna in Bulgaria and the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. She now lives and works in Dorset and is a member of the Printmakers Council and Vice President of the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers.

The interrelationship between the psychological and the physical is played out on the site that is the surface of the print she is in the process of working on. Here the manipulation of the materials of printmaking gradually moves towards a coherent and meaningful resolution. Screen printing can be a very painterly and experimental medium and these characteristics enable a process by which the image gradually evolves and emerges through the process of making.

The way in which we as individuals relate to each other and to the world around us informs Griffiths’ work. The motifs, use of colour and the language of mark-making that develop are intended to be analogies for human dispositions and interaction.