Letterpress in the Time of Covid

With Ane Thon Knutsen, Ben Blount, Naomi Kent, Michelle Yu, New North Press, Peter Gibbons, and more to be announced shortly.

Monday 12 July 2021

7–9pm (BST)

Online via Zoom

Tickets: £3–5

Please note: you will be emailed the Zoom link for the talk at 6pm BST on the day of the talk.

Book Online HERE

As part of our virtual wayzgoose and 125th anniversary celebrations of the St Bride Library, we are hosting an evening of short ten minute lectures on the theme of letterpress in the time of covid.

We have invited eight speakers to share their experiences since the pandemic took told of the world in 2020. They will share what challenges they may have faced, how they have adapted to the way they work – or not – under lockdown, how creative they have felt in this time and what the pandemic and changing world around them has inspired them to produce. From group exhibitions and collaborations to printing daily reflections on the pandemic, this event celebrates the good that has come out of these troubled times.

With special thanks to Elizabeth Fraser (aka Frauhaus https://frauhaus.co.uk/) for the inspiration for this lecture.

Part of our ‘Celebrating 125 Years of St Bride Library’ lecture series, this talk has kindly been sponsored by:


Commercial Type

Eye Magazine

Eric de Bellaigue


Jerry Wright

Just Another Foundry

Klim Type Foundry

Lexon GB, Creative & Innovative Print

Mayor of London

Medioto – Graphics & Animation

Peter Longland


Type By

Usborne Publishing

and The Wynkyn de Worde Charitable Trust who have sponsored students and recent graduates to attend this lecture.